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Who We Are

  ~   Meet Mark and Kylie  ~
The souls behind Urban Shaman Meditation Pyramids bringing these very special structures to people all over the world.

I'm Mark your Pyramid designer and builder. I've been an industrial design and technology teacher for over 30 years. My passion has always been designing and building beautiful objects. Pyramid design has been the most rewarding of all.

Every time I make a Pyramid they always take my breath away, just for a few seconds as I marvel at their beauty.There is something about the aesthetics in these Pyramids - it is to do with their shape, form, proportion and geometry. A finished Pyramid always looks so perfect. It's a magical sight to behold ...

The most fulfilling part of this journey is that I get to share this magic with our customers. The feedback I have received over the years constantly reaffirms that this is my true purpose.

A lot of love, energy and focus goes into every Pyramid or Connector that I design and make - and yours will be no different.

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Hi I'm Kylie, In my day job I am a clinical counsellor and hypnotherapist  - in my heart and personal life I am a deeply spiritual person. From 2007 when Urban Shaman Meditation Pyramids began, my life has been especially enriched through enjoying the benefits of meditation and through witnessing the many benefits and changes that have occurred for others through their use of Pyramids. I have met some truly amazing people!
It was through a channelled message whilst meditating, that the dream and vision of Urban Shaman Meditation Pyramids was born.
 At Urban Shaman - our aim is and has always been - to bring to other seekers the Sacred Copper Meditation Pyramid - conforming to Sacred Geometry angles of 51.853 degrees or the Golden Mean of Phi.
 We pride ourselves on not only providing a quality item, at an excellent price but offer our purchasers outstanding and loving customer service as well.  
We believe that with guidance and encouragement every individual has the ability to create a peaceful and meaningful existence. 
 Together we create our Meditation Pyramids in a beautiful  space that is serene, tranquil, joyful and motivating.
I wish you much love and blessings on your journeys through life.

Kylie - 0417 075 551

Mark - 0421 649 800

Wishart Brisbane QLD Australia 4122

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